The Firm
John E. Rogers founded Rogers & Associates in order to offer the skills needed to help substantial individual and corporate clients manage the complexities of corporate, tax, real estate, property tax, and asset protection.
Our attorneys regularly handle Internal Revenue Service and State Department of Revenue tax audits and appeals, IRS ruling requests, and federal and state tax litigation. We regularly advise our clients as to estate planning and asset protection services. Our attorneys also provide counsel with respect to general business planning, business succession, related tax strategies as well as buying and selling businesses and real estate.
Our attorneys have extensive experience representing domestic parties investing abroad. We have effected corporate restructurings involving domestic tax, foreign tax and tax-treaty concerns and successfully structured domestic parties’ investments in foreign countries.
Firm Values
Firm values are shaped to meet client needs.
- First, the firm provides the highest level of expertise in all matters it undertakes. That causes the firm to limit the services it offers to clients.
- Second, the firm is involved in industry associations which further its knowledge of the client’s business.
- Third, the firm publishes client bulletins which enable clients to understand their own industry issues.